Susanne and Mike got hitched and the people had a party. Share your pictures
here and enjoy!
All folders will be zipped up in individual packages for easy and quick download for those who wish to get their own copy for print or what not..
Log:2013-08-03: The wedding took place
2013-08-11: Photobooth pictures are in the process of being processed. Link for uploading pictures has been sent to Mr&Mrs Hat.
2013-08-11: Booth pictures are approved and uploaded. Link above to the album. Link below for the Zip with all of them.
2013-08-11: Pictures by René M. uploaded and approved. Link above to the album. Link below for the Zip with all of them.
2013-08-11: Lis M. and Henrik have provided pictures and they are linked above and below.
2013-09-26: Susanne and Mike have uploaded pictures from the official wedding photographer. They're all located here:
Susanne & Mike2014-02-08: Bjarne M has uploaded pictures
The quick and lazy way to pictures (for those who want to print without the logo):
2013-08-11 -
Photobooth.zip - 91MB/242 images2013-08-11 -
renemikkelsen.zip - 61MB/120 images2013-08-11 -
lism.zip - 95MB/40 images2013-08-11 -
henrik.zip - 372MB/240 images2014-01-08 -
bjarnem.zip - 162MB/85 images