1 - 20
sump_01.jpg - sump_02.jpg - sump_03.jpg - sump_04.jpg - sump_05.jpg - sump_06.jpg - sump_07.jpg - sump_08.jpg - sump_09.jpg - sump_10.jpg - sump_11.jpg - sump_12.jpg - sump_13.jpg - sump_14.jpg - sump_15.jpg - sump_16.jpg - sump_17.jpg - sump_18.jpg - sump_19.jpg - sump_20.jpg -
These are dumps from the output shown on my tv, 'powered' by Xorg running on my server. For laughs, I have out 'ico' into my .xinitrc-file, so there is at least something moving on the display while I'm not watching a movie.

The images are dumped with 'import' at 0.1 seconds interval in order to track the icohedron moving..
My .xinitrc:
xset s off
xset s noblank
xwarppointer abspos 800 600
xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen -border black /home/rene/pics/rosiebel/20060326_rosiebel_kystbanen.jpg&
ico -r -sleep 0.1&
xterm -geometry 1x1+800+600